First Day of Kindergarten – requests from the teacher
by Kathy Wills · Published · Updated

I can’t speak for all Kindergarten teachers , I can only speak about what I feel at my school on the first day . I know there are schools that have Kindergarten classes in a separate area . I know some schools have high parent involvement and some don’t . So, I will just share how I feel about the first day and I will make requests based on my experience. I can hope that some of the requests will be relevant for your child’s school .
on the first day , please;
smile, be positive , be kind
be understanding and be patient.
Just like many students, Kindergarten teachers are nervous the first day of school too. In many cases your kids are brand new and we know very little about them.For many Kindergarten kids , their teacher is a stranger. Kids may not know if their Kindergarten teacher is nice or mean, loud or soft spoken, silly or serious. Some know their teacher but not as the teacher and this role switch is sometimes a challenge too.
Teachers have done planning and preparing but we have no idea what we will get done the first day.We have to be flexible depending on the attention skills of our class, the behavior and the school skills…there are so many uncertainties on this first day for your child but also for teachers.
Teachers love to buy Back to School clothes and new materials too. We try to look our best on the first day . Many of us struggle to adjust our sleep clocks from summer to school mode as well . After several pre school teacher work days though , we are ready to be with kids. On the first day , however, most schools allow the parents to join the kids on the campus so day 1 is more than just kids .It is a giant crowd and parents can make teachers very nervous.Even after 20 years of ‘first days’, greeting Kindergarten students , parents still make me nervous !
Here are the things that I find difficult on the first day of school :
#1 I have former students running up to me to say hello and former parents too . Although I love this , I need to go and greet my new Kindergarteners and new parents. I don’t want to be rude to the others so at times I feel torn.
REQUEST- encourage your children to greet former teachers on another day . Parents this goes for you as well. Teachers love to see and talk to former families but first day is not the time to do so. No teacher wants to hurt someone’s feelings by being “curt ” or not enthusiastic , Day 1 is just too overwhelming for teachers .
#2 There are so many people and kids this first day at my site . I would estimate that every Kindergarten child brings 2 or more people with them the first day, and that does not include siblings. Kindergarten students line up and it is hard for me to get families and kids organized , or reorganized so I can focus and talk to the kids prior to entering the classroom . It is hard to talk to the front of a line and be heard at the back of a line when there are 23+ kids . I end up shouting , which is never a good look and pacing up and down so that “hello’s ” and information are communicated. It is noisy and everyone is starting at me. I know first impressions are powerful so I am trying to give my best . To make it harder,there is usually some child that needs “a talking to” for a behavior issue so doing that with all eyes on me is always a challenge.
REQUEST- Pay attention to the teacher and don’t let your child run around.When the teacher starts talking to the group , make sure you and your child are quiet and listening. Please be focused on your child and help your child follow the teacher’s directions.
#3 There are many parents who want to take a picture with me which becomes a distraction. I do not want to say NO but it can become a 20 minute photo shoot if I am not careful. I solve the photo problem by telling everyone that I will take a photo with your child at pick up and if you are not there, I will have someone else take it and get it to you. or I will take a photo in the room on Day 1 and get it to parents at some point for their records . I understand the importance of the first day .
REQUEST_ please do not expect a picture with the teacher on Day 1 in the morning . It is a lot to ask given the chaos. Please read the situation.
#4 If there are things you need me to know or you want to remind me ,like ; who is picking your child up, where they go after school , what they are allergic , I will not be be able to remember if you tell me during this first morning. Teachers at my site are very diligent the first few weeks to make sure kids are dismissed to the right place or right person – we often take them right to daycare staff , we double check lists and/or dismiss one at a time so we see who is picking your child up.
REQUEST- write any important information down, put it in an envelope and label it IMPORTANT INFO about______ Give it to the me directly in the morning.Don’t expect me to open it on the spot and read it but if it says it is important, I will make it a priority. There will be a lot of generic paperwork and all of it will be collected in the room from folders. Don’t count on your child to remember to get something out of their folder if it is important .
REQUEST-Besides writing information down , make sure your child knows where they are going after school and /or who is picking them up.
#5 Parents, please understand if we do not welcome you into the room the first day . In Kindergarten, there a many many steps and procedures and having parents in the room adds to the confusion. It is important for your child to focus on the teacher and parents can be a distraction for kids and teachers.
REQUEST- assume you are not following your child into the room on day 1 ( unless told ahead of time)
#6 Every teacher deals differently with the crying child who will not leave their parent. Teachers’ procedures will depend on how many are crying but we are good and practiced at dealing with this so please trust us. Schools always prepare for this occurrence and Kindergarten teachers especially plan to have extra staff and hands on deck to help with this . We expect crying.
REQUEST – Be kind and understanding as your child and all the others adjust to this new world.
#7 After the first day, all of us will breathe easier. The unknown will now be the known. The kids and I will continue to get to know each other and parents, we build a parent -teacher team that will work together to educate , understand, guide encourage and inspire your child to be their best .
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