by Kathy Wills · Published · Updated

If you do not know the starfish story , please google it .The starfish story is amazing story and demonstrates the power of one . The story has many versions and is simple enough , and short enough for a Kindergarten child to understand. It conveys the message :’You can make a difference even when a task seems overwhelming. By breaking a task into small parts and starting one step at a time, you can create change.’ At my school , after the Pledge of Allegiance , I have my students repeat a pledge I made up. I have the children hold up one finger . My pledge goes like this:
” I am only one , I can’t do everything but I can do something. I can make a difference. “
I took parts of my pledge from a Helen Keller quote ;
” I am only one , but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something ;and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do”
At some point in my school year, I will read more about Helen Keller and others who inspire me. We will also study about how size is not a indicator of value- The Lion and the Mouse is one of the best known stories to read to a preschool or Kindergarten child that conveys this message .
In the beginning of the year, we brain storm the “something” tasks that can be done help to make a difference to a person or to the planet. Kids come up with many examples such ;as smiling at someone, saying hello, making sure you say please and thank you ,complementing someone, opening a door for another, including a new friend in your group , offering to share a toy ,offering to help, putting trash in the right place, bringing reusable containers and bottles for snack , walking to school. The student s will come up with so many , we often have to sort and classify the ideas into categories, Friends, Adults, Planet, School. …
A good question for the end of the day for all of us ? “What did you do today to make a difference.”
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