by Kathy Wills · Published · Updated

Backpacks are important and something your child will bring with them everyday . Here are a few suggestions:
Make sure the backpack is big enough . Most kids will need a folder for mail so it is great if the child can easily put the folder in without bending it . The one on the left is too small. I used this photo because I know that backpacks can be expensive . You can get creative and ‘dress up’ a plain backpack with patches or paint and it becomes a new one for another year. It is Ok to live the message : Reduce. Reuse . Recycle Perhaps every year does not mean new everything. This age group may not undestand all the costs of getting ready for school but they can be part of prioritizing the ‘want” list. I love asking the question -” Is it a want, or a need? ”
In selecting a backpack , allow your child to be part of the selecting process and discussion .
The backpack should also be able to hold a jacket and perhaps some extra clothes ( see emergency supplies post) . A good habit for parents is to check your child ‘s backpack everyday . Teachers may not see how your child packs up everyday so if you notice that everything seems ‘jammed’ in the bag, perhaps you at home can do a little practicing putting papers in the folder and being more organized. Organization skills can be taught early so set your expectatin of how you want to receive your communications from school. We work of organization in the classroom right from day 1 . We expect papers to be put in baskets a certain way and books handled a certain way. This is a great time to create habits at home organizing mail coming home , keeping track of homework or packing and unpacking the backpack. The beginning of the year is full of new routines . Teachers will say , ” In Kindergarten we ……” so you at home can do the same , ” Now that you are in Kindergarten, I need you to ….” Take advantage of this new step and step up the expectation.
PS There are teachers who have a ‘no toys from home rule’ and it is amazing what finds its way into backpacks, so quick checks may be a good idea. Kids also bring strange things home from school that you may not want at home. A backpack with too many zippers , compartments and expanders may not be the best choice . When there are too many sections to put things in, kids can’t find anything .
Don’t forget to consider whether a lunch box needs to be in the backpack as well. Sometimes those who go to different sites after class have to pack lunch boxes as well. It becomes easier if there are less things to carry .
Backpacks shoud be labelled as there will likely be some doubles . Marking somewhere on the outside makes it easier for teachers, staff and your child to find theirs quickly. No need to put last name addresses , but perhaps initials ? . A luggage tag with the classroom # so at least if the bag is found it can get back to the owner.
One last request: please do not carry your child’s backpack and lunch box into school for them, have your child do it . Kinders can be given some more responsibilities and this is a good one. I see so many parents at the beginning and end of the day bogged down with all their children’s stuff. Sometimes parents leave with the lunch too ! Your kids are capable and can learn to take care of their things . On occasion, helping your child is fine but it should involve a request . What bothers me is to see a child toss their belongings at their parent at the end of the day like they are personal ‘pack mules’.
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