Which shoes should I wear to school?Hmmm …
by Kathy Wills · Published · Updated

Shoes. There is not too much to say about this topic. Schools have dress codes that usually include footwear. At the elementary level, rules about shoes are created with safety in mind. Shoes should be closed toed.This prevents children from stubbing their toes and reduces the pain should anyone happens to step on their toes. Stepping on each other happens frequently as kids try to negotiate lines when going almost everywhere on campus. Socks can be suggested or required because whether it is sand or wood chips in the playground, having no socks can result in exfoliating scrubbing on your child’s heels or feet or prickly pieces of wood sticking into their skin. If your child is lucky enough to go to a school with rubber matting, socks are just good to prevent shoes from rubbing, especially with new shoes. It may even be a good idea to have your child wear their shoes a little bit to break them in before school starts. Shoes should have a back strap, you can decide if Crocs are appropriate. The back-strap is created as an option. A strap in the back just keeps shoes on the feet especially when running .I also know little kids love to dress up and put on fancy shoes or boots but please remember that ,at the beginning of school especially , the floors have all been waxed and some dressier shoes and boots just don’t have any traction. The goal in a school day is to have as little drama and / or injury as possible. Remember cowboy boots and rain boots are not the most comfortable footwear to sit crisscross for any period of time and kids in kindergarten and in TK sit on the rug often for lessons so you want your child to be comfortable.
Tying shoes is a great skill to learn and one that can be introduced at this age level however I prefer when parents tie the shoes in the morning nice and tight with a double knot. This prevents tripping on loose laces and certainly reduces the amount of time I have to stop and bend down to tie a shoe. Velcro is an amazing invention and I love slip on shoe. The more your child can do independently the better for you and for the teacher. Independent kids are especially appreciate in the morning when you are trying to get out the door.
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